A. Back Squat 3×5 (+5)
B. Bench Press 3×5 (+2.5)
C. 3 Rounds Max Reps
1 min.30 Double Unders + Max Front Squats (205/145)
1 min. 30 Sit Ups + Max Front Squats (205/145)
2 min. Rest
Accessory Work
A) 2×6 Crossover Symmetry “Row”, “Reverse Fly”, “Pulldown” (eye-level) and “90/90” (knee-level) (use LIGHT plates or DB and perform the same movement against gravity)
B) 3×10 Lat pulldowns w/band (only as much resistance that allows fullest ROM and minimum 4 second eccentric return)
C) 5 rounds: :15 seconds strict C2B/pull ups/ Ring rows. :15 seconds Kipping (exaggerate pressing away from the bar with the arm pit as far and for as long as possible). :30 seconds Corner/rig pec stretch
Travel WOD
3 Rounds of:
60 walking Lunges
60 Jumping Jax
60 Mt Climbers