Week 2/10 Linear Strength Cycle
A. Back Squat 3×5 (+5)
B. Strict Press 3×5 (+2.5)
C. 4 Rounds
1 min. Dynamic Push Ups
1 min. Walking Lunges holding plate (45/35)
1 min. Russian Twists
1 min. Rest
Accessory Programming – We will be adding accessory work 3D/Wk to help improve lat. and shoulder strength and stability. This work is to be done before or after class. Ask a Coach if you have any questions!
A) 1×8 DB Activation all “eye-level” and “knee-level”
B) 8 rounds: :30 second “noes-&-toes” Handstand hold
:30 second corner/rig pec stretch (actively retracting shoulder blades)
Travel WOD
4 Rounds
1 min. Dynamic Push Ups
1 min. Walking Lunges holding plate (45/35)
1 min. Russian Twists
1 min. Rest