Today’s Member Monday is the one and only Sean Casey. Learn all about Sean below.
1. Who is Sean Casey?
Although my name fellows are more popular than I am (former MLB player & filmmaker — see “Storm Chasers”), I’m just a 40 year-old husband and dad of two young boys. I work for an education technology firm and am generally on a plane at least once per week. I’m still waiting for Ken to be my pilot on one of these trips! Besides traveling for work, I spend plenty of time chauffeuring my kids from one sporting event to another. Otherwise, we try to spend as much time as possible around the water (beach/boat) in the summer and on the mountains in the winter. I went to college in Vermont (Go Cats Go!) and spent a number of post-college years in Colorado so I actually enjoy the “white stuff”.
2. Tell us your CrossFit story (where were you before SciCoh and where are you now?)
I started at a CrossFit box in metro-west back in 2009(ish) because I was working out that way (I really hated commuting on 128 everyday!) and after about a year, I stopped commuting and therefore I stopped going to CrossFit. My boys played Scituate Flag Football this past fall and I think Sarah was recruiting for SciCoh around the grand opening. I had thought about joining Reebok CrossFit Bare Cove but I’m too lazy to drive to Hingham — why leave Cohasset if I don’t have to?!?! However when SciCoh opened, I didn’t have an excuse … so here I am ~9 months later……
3. What does being part of the SciCoh community mean to you?
Although I knew a number of other members (parents of my kids friends) prior to joining SciCoh, I’ve enjoyed getting to know other members as well as hearing stories about the progress of other members.
4. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
Rope climb and although I told Scott recently, I feel like Harrison needs to program them more often, I didn’t really mean it. 🙂
5. What are your goals going forward?
Two movements really frustrate me to no end: (1) I’d like to be able to “get” kipping and (2) double-unders. Argh!
Two movements really frustrate me to no end: (1) I’d like to be able to “get” kipping and (2) double-unders. Argh!
6. If you could describe CrossFit SciCoh in one word, what would it be?
Motivating – the consistency, structure and friendly competitive atmosphere keep me interested.