The Cordeiro Brothers are this weeks featured members for Member Monday. Read all about this dynamic duo affectionately known as Mongoose and *Danimal below.
1. Tell us a little about yourself?
Jay: I am Jason Cordeiro AKA Mongoose AKA 1/2 Washboard Bros. I live in Norwell with my beautiful wife Tracey and our wonderful 10 month old daughter Lucille. I spend most of my time getting ripped at SciCoh, fishing, golfing, and spending time with the family.
Dan: I live in Scituate with my wife Meghan and son Joey and pride myself on being the strongest (pound-for-pound) and most attractive Cordeiro at the box.
2. Tell us your CrossFit story (where were you before SciCoh and where are you now?)
Jay: I was reeled in to CrossFit by Coach Lauren whom is one of my wife’s best friends. I used to be the guy that was totally against it, and always judged those CrossFit freaks who are nothing but tough guys flipping tires and slapping asses. After coming to the realization that I had completely let myself go, I broke down and signed up.
Dan: Before SciCoh, I was known more for my arts and crafts skills and mostly floundered around the gym pretending to work out. Once Jay convinced me his man crush was opening a new box and it would be great for me, I signed up for SciCoh. I was intimidated at first but quickly came to enjoy how I felt after the workouts and the great group of people in my classes.
3. What does being part of the SciCoh community mean to you?
Jay: I discovered very quickly that crossfitters are an extremely supportive group of individuals, and building a strong community is an essential part of motivating oneself to workout. The results have been great and I owe it all to the community that keeps me coming back every week. We have a great group of people that are realistic about our goals and have a great time while getting super fit.
Dan: Besides Jay, everyone at the box really puts in a lot of effort and it shows. The 5:15 crew has gotten close over the last few months and knowing you have a great group to workout with really motivates you to get up early and work hard.
4. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
Jay: I am most proud of beating my big brother Danimal in virtually every workout, and hitting my high water mark of 40 consecutive double unders.
Dan: I am most proud of coining the nickname “Scotty Wall Balls” and for the improvements I’ve made since I joined in November. I remember the trainers confused/shocked looks during my on-ramp, especially when I jump-roped backwards (sorry Eats, that was weird looking back). Now, I have a decent understanding of most of the movements except the Turkish get up which I hate due to the fact that I embarrass myself and look like an awkward break dancer.
5. What are your challenges and goals going forward?
Jay: Going forward I want to continue my reign as the king of the Cordeiro’s at CrossFit Scicoh. It would also be great to get a muscle up.
Dan: My biggest challenge going forward is convincing Mike to remove my asterisk and look at me as a respected athlete. I also really want to get to the point where I can use RX weight for every workout.
6. What is one thing CrossFit has taught you about yourself?
Jay: CrossFit has taught me that I am really really ridiculously good looking, and that even when you feel like there is nothing left in the tank you can feed off those around you to dig deep and find the next gear because you know there is no other feeling like the satisfaction of doing something that you never though you could.
Dan: That I am not a physical mutant and am capable of getting stronger over time. I know its been said before but it truly applies here. If I can do it, anyone can, literally anyone.