1. Tell us a little about yourself?
I grew up in Cohasset (5th of 6 kids) and moved back here in 1999 to raise my family in this beautiful community. Fast forward 16 years, and my daughters are now 18 & 15, my oldest off to college next fall. My days are pretty full between raising two teenagers and working full time. I love being outside, and summer weekends I can be found on my sail boat or on Sandy Beach
2. Tell us your CrossFit story (where were you before SciCoh and where are you now?)
I have always worked out. I have been a cardio junkie for years but have never worked with weights consistently. As most women know, you hit your 40’s and things start to ‘settle’ and it’s harder to maintain your weight. Well, I’m turning 50 this year, I’m newly divorced, and was the heaviest I’ve ever been. I knew I needed to do something different. Also, as women age, weight training is so important to avoid losing bone density, so was psyched when I heard Cross Fit was opening in Cohasset. I knew it would be perfect.
Being part of this community means having the support of the Coaches and the whole class, to push yourself to try new things. It’s so motivational to be a part of it. I’m at the 5:15 class most mornings. I’ll look up the WOD the night before, and sometimes think ‘are you kidding me? they expect us to do that??’ Then at class you’re all in it together and you work through it. It’s such a great sense of accomplishment at the end of each class.
I am most proud of the fact that I’ve lost 15 pounds and feel fantastic! I am more fit now than when I was in my 20s. My daughters and I are going to Hawaii for April vacation, and I bought 3 bikinis to wear! And for all those women out there who are afraid that doing CrossFit will make them bulk up… have no fear. I lift heavy weights (well, heavy for me), and it has not made me bulk at all. Oh and proud that for the first time in my life, I climbed a rope (although next time I will listen when Mike says to wear tall socks)
My current CrossFit goals are to be able to do pull ups, handstand push ups and double unders.