Way to go Rowan! He swam faster than the sharks in the Martha’s Vineyard Triathlon this past weekend to take FIRST PLACE in his age group. Nice work, Malibu!
2:00 Monostructural Movement
Then 10 min AMRAP:
:30 second “super hip stretch” R/L
10 Overhead Squat w/ PVC (QUALITY)
15 Sit-up
10 Good Mornings w/ PVC
10 Superman w/ Hold
4 Supersets
A. 8 Overhead Walking Lunges AHAP. I want you to either fail or be close to failure on last set.
B. Max Bar Muscle Ups. If no bar muscle ups, work lats with 1 minute of rollouts.
C. Max strict C2B pull ups. If no C2B, then chin over bar. If no chin over bar, then partner assisted – get to at least 7 each round.
D. 10-8-6-4-2
Deadlift (body weight)
Power Clean (3/4 body weight)
Overhead Squat (1/2 body weight)