2:00 Monostructural Movement
3 Rounds
:30 Ipsilateral Dead Bugs
5 Strict Pull-Ups
8 Knee Hug To Horizontal Lunge Twists (4R/4L)
10 Tempo Barbell Bent Over Rows (light weight) (3010) 3 second pull, 0 pause, 1 second decent, 0 pause
NOT Superset
A. 7 sets of (1) 3 position clean- work up to heavy 3 position across the 7 sets.
FOCUS on hitting your mid thigh position in the 2nd and 3rd positions
B. 5 x 4 Good Mornings – keep it light and focus on speed + weight in heels & shoulders in front. USE YOUR GLUTES!
C. 18 Min AMRAP
30 Cal Row
30 Toes-To-Bar
30 Box Jumps
30 Hand Release Push Ups