Congratulations Megan and Bill! What a beautiful bride…and check out those arm muscles!!
10 Min. AMRAP
10 4 Way Dead Bugs
6 Inchworm to Spiderman Stretch
3R/3L Side Plank w/ Hip Dip and Hold for 5 Sec.
10 KB Swings (light)
5 Strict Pull-Ups
A. 7 x 2 Deadlifts with 5 second descent.
*After each set complete 10 glute bridges with a 3 second pause at the top (unweighted)
Go AHAP today but think about the position we worked the last two weeks. Feel free to climb in weight.
B. 3 RFT:
750m Row
35 KBS (53/35)
20 Pull-Ups