Congratulations Kat, Tucker, Christian and Noah and welcome baby Ethan! Born 8/21/18 at 11am sharp and weighing in whooping 9lbs 1oz!
200 Meter Run/Row
:45 Goblet Squat Hold
8 Goblet Deadlifts
4R/4L KB Windmill
:45 Goblet Squat Hold
8 Goblet Squats to Overhead Press
8 KBS w/ Goblet
:45 Goblet Squat Hold
8 Alternating Front Lunges w/Goblet
8 Goblet Squats
200 Meter Run/Row
A. 5 x 3 Power Cleans (same weight across)
B. 12 Min. AMRAP
8 Toes-To-Bar
8 Alter. Dumbbell Lunges (35/20)
8 Handstand Push Ups