*Tomorrow’s class will meet at 9AM at St. Mary’s parking lot for our first Beach WOD of 2018!
Midline/Posterior Activation
500 Meter Row
Then 2 Rounds:
12 Good Mornings (empty barbell)
12 Scorpions
12 Glute Bridges
12 Inch Worm to Spiderman Elbow Drops
12 Cossack squats
5R/5L Box Step Ups
A. Plate Deadlifts – Deadlift off plates where bar starts at height that is just below knee
4×6 AHAP
B. 3×12 Romanian Deadlifts
6 RFT:
12 Ab Mat Sit-Ups w/ Wallball Toss
10 DB Push Press
10 Ballistic Step-Ups (5R/5L)