1. Tell us a little about yourself?
I’m going to be turning the big 3-0 this May. I’ve been married to Kaitlin for almost 3 years. We met when we were both living in NYC. We have a 1.5 yr old black lab named Abby. I sell dairy commodities, butter, cheese, whey etc. Kaitlin works at wayfair as an editor and also owns a freelance business www.luxandconcord.com. We enjoy taking hikes in Wompatuck, playing golf, skiing and just about any trip. We recently went to Paris and over indulged in cheese and wine. It crushed my Paleo Challenge but it was worth it.
2. Tell us your CrossFit story (where were you before SciCoh and where are you now?)
One of my best friends would always joke with me that I would get into a typical gym routine and then quit after two weeks. One time I joined a gym and coincidentally it burned down two weeks later. I tried working with a personal trainer and just about every gimmick to keep it interesting. I always became bored and would eventually stop going. While living in Boston Kaitlin and I walked into a box and joined on site. I think I just had to force myself to get into a program, or maybe it was all the people running around our apartment that motivated me. When we moved to Hingham I was driving by SciCoh to go to work everyday. As soon as I saw the sign go up I knew I had to get back into it. I’ve been going since the opening in November and enjoy every day! This year was the first time I did the open, I never thought I would be doing something like that over a year ago.
3. What does being part of the SciCoh community mean to you?
It’s great to see the same faces and get to know the members. It doesn’t take too many workouts together to get to know someone pretty quick. In a short amount of time I’ve had friends in the community help me with a job search, watch Abby and just meet up for drinks. It’s really great!
4. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
I’ve always played competitive golf and is one of the main reasons I wanted to become stronger and more stable. You see a lot of the pro’s today moving heavy weight and using crossfit to get better. My range of motion and flexibility have certainly improved and likely shaved 4-5 strokes off my handicap. It works.
5. What are your challenges and goals going forward?
HSPU are a killer, something about being upside down just doesn’t sit well with me. I still need to fine tune those dubs and of course one day will get the muscle up.
6. What is one thing CrossFit has taught you about yourself?
No matter how hard the WOD is you always get through it and feel better when it’s over. So many times I would be half way in and feel like there was no way I would be able to finish. It’s mostly mental and I believe you can apply this to any of life’s challenges.