Warm Up:
200 M Run
:40 Goblet Squat Static Hold
4 V-Up To Vertical Jump
4 Inch Worms (as far as possible)
3 V-Up To Vertical Jump
3R / 3L Leg Cradle Lunge W/ Back Heel Touch
2 Ninja Roll Up To Vertical Jump
2R / 2L Leg Cradle Lateral Lunge W/ Twist
200 M Run
Mobility: Couch Stretch, T-Spine Roll
A. 3×5 Bottom Up Front Squat – AHAP
B. 3×8 Bent Over Barbell Row
EMOM x 12
Minute 1: Row for Cals (15/12)
Minute 2: Burpee (12/10)
Minute 3: Air Squat (15 all)
Minute 4: Hollow Rock