4:00 Monostructural Movement
Then 3 Rounds
:20 Ipsilateral Dead Bug 😉
10 Spiderman Crawl with Elbow Drop
:20 Hollow Hold
10 Glute Bridges
:30R/:30L Erector Stretch (https://youtu.be/N6wI5jewDw4)
Squat Day!
Over the next several weeks, we will be focusing on performing the perfect squat! More specifically, achieving full range of motion (squatting below parallel and reaching full extension) as well as addressing tight/weak erectors (Erector muscles stretch from the tailbone to the top of the rib cage and work with the abs to stabilize the torso – thus allowing one to keep their torso upright while performing a squat.) Squat Therapy will be included as part of our warm up, or as part of our strength. Let’s do this!
4 Rounds for Time:
200 Meter Run
6 Man Makers (40/25)
200 Meter Run
12 Devil Press (40/25)
Devil Press: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOYXFFXAx24