2:00 Monostructural Movement
Tabata x 2 Rounds (total of 8 minutes)
Air Squat
Single Leg KB Deadlift (Right)
Single Leg KN Deadlift (Left)
Alternating Reverse Lunges
Plank Hold w/ Alternating Shoulder Tap
Alternating Lateral Lunges
Hollow Hold
3 Super Sets
A. 12R/12L Bulgarian Split Squats (AHAP)
B. 12 total Coassack Squats w/ Empty Barbell*
* If barbell in the back rack is too difficult, use a PVC pipe, or single dumbbell held at your chest.
Performance Sport
EMOM x 20
M1: 5 Deadlifts (295/200)
M2: 15 KB Swings (70/53)
M3: 8 HSPU (Strict/Kip)
M4: Max Bar Facing Burpees
M5: Rest
Functional Athlete
EMOM x 20
M1: 5 Deadlifts (205/135 or 175/115)
M2: 15 KB Swings (44/35)
M3: 8 HRPU
M4: Max Bar Facing Burpees
M5: Rest