4 Rounds
:20 Plank Hold
:20 Alternating Reaching Hands Plank Hold
:20 R / :20 L Cpt Morgan With Vertical Support
10y Leg Cradle Lunge With Lateral Flexion And Extension
10 Lateral Box Step Overs
Week 6/8 Linear Progression
NOT a superset
A. Back Squat 3×5 (Add 5 lbs total)
B. 50 Bulgarian split squats each leg. Do them in as few sets as possible.
*Squat depth has started to falter for some athletes. If it isn’t obvious you are below parallel, let’s get there! If you can’t, drop 15 lbs, squat to depth and let’s start building back up.
5 Rounds
20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
20 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Wallballs (20/14)