“Unbroken “
RCFBC and SciCoh 30 Day Nutrition Challenge
The purpose of this challenge is to create positive nutrition habits…that’s it! Nutrition is so important when it comes to our fitness, so if we can build new habits while having some fun….perfect!
How Does it Work
The Challenge
From Thursday, June 1st through Friday, June 30th, you will try your best to eat paleo. We believe in the power of community, so during this competition we will rely on the support and encouragement of one another.
Each week we will tally team scores and write it up on the board for all to see.
Think of this as golf scoring – lowest score wins. As long as you are eating paleo things, you earn a 0! However, for each non-paleo item you eat or drink, you earn a point. For example, if I eat chicken and pasta for dinner – that’s 1 point for the pasta. Oh yeah – we are REALLY challenging you this time – that means NO ALCOHOL AT ALL! Let’s see how committed you can be, you might surprise yourself!
Don’t worry, we are believers in the 80/20 rule, so you are allowed 1 cheat meal and cheat drink per week. A cheat meal consists of 1 adult beverage and meal. If you have seconds or more than 1 beverage, you MUST count those as a point.
How to Submit Your Score
We will track all of this on a board in the box, so simply write your team score up their each week.
As part of this challenge we will be taking before and after measurements in a few forms.
•WOD time for “Baseline”
•Body Measurements (or $60 for 2 weigh-ins on the InBody scale)
If you are not comfortable with any of these measurements, let us know. We can take your measurements before or after class.
How to Sign Up
Pretty simple. Just write your name and your partners on the board under “Nutrition Challenge”. No partner yet, no problem…we will find you one!
A grand prize will be awarded to the team with the lowest overall score over the 30 day challenge.
Paleo Information
Eating paleo is all about eating quality foods – specifically, foods that don’t cause cell inflammation so our body can digest nutrients and recover faster. This means that we eat:
•Meats and Vegetables
•Nuts and Seeds
•Little Starch
•No Processed Sugars
For a full list of what’s in and what’s out, check out this link:
•Proteins- Beef/steak (Grass fed is even better!), chicken, pork, fish, eggs, etc.
•Vegetables- Lots of them!
•Fruit – if your goals are to really lean out though, limit this to a serving or less per day
•Nuts – (For this challenge we will allow: almond butter, cashew butter, macadamia nut butter). Peanuts are a legume, not a nut, so NO peanut butter.
•Seeds (Sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, chai seeds, flaxseed)
•Coconut oil
•Olive oil
•Black coffee – coconut creamers allowed as long as no sugar
•PURE dark chocolate (in moderation…like ½ a bar a week. Don’t go crazy)
•Protein Shake ONLY taken directly after a WOD and not as a meal replacement.