Box Brief: Mark your calendars! Make and take sign event- Saturday 5/12 @ 4pm at RCFBC. $25 per person. Guests strongly encouraged! Please RSVP to the invite on the community page on FB! Questions? Contact Amanda! To learn more about the make and take signs, please visit:
Warm Up
4 Rounds
:30 4 Way Dead Bugs
4 Inch Worm (inching as far forward as possible)
10R/10L Rotary Med Ball Toss
:30 R / :30 L 5# Lateral Side Shoulder Raise
3 sets max false grip ring pull ups
Banded deadlift 4 x 6
Partner assisted hamstring curls – 4 x 6
EMOM x 16
M1: 10 Dumbbell Squats (50/35)
M2: 50 Double Unders
M3: 7 Dumbbell Burpee Clean & Press
M4: Rest