Box Brief: Mark your calendars! Make and take sign event- Saturday 5/12 @ 4pm at RCFBC. $25 per person. Guests strongly encouraged! Please RSVP to the invite on the community page on FB! Questions? Contact Amanda! To learn more about the make and take signs, please visit:
Warm Up
3 Rounds
:25 Plank Hold
:25 Alternating Reaching Plank Holds
:25 R / :25 L Cpt Morgan With Vertical Support
10 Yard Leg Cradle Lunge With Lateral Flexion And Extension
3 Seesaw Walk To Vertical Jump*
*R/L + 1 Jump = 1 Rep
A. Wide stance box squat – 6×4 as heavy as possible each set
B. 4 sets 60′ 1 arm oh KB walking lunges (2 sets right arm, 2 sets left arm) 70/53lb
10 min AMRAP
20 KBS (53/35)
20 Ab Mat Sit Ups
100′ Farmers Carry (70/53)