Warm Up
Coach’s Choice
Touch and Go Power Cleans
Clean Pull
1Clean Pull + 2 Power Cleans
B. 5 Rounds
Max Rep TnG Power Cleans (155/105)
1 min. Max Cals on Erg
2 min. Rest
Total score is reps plus cals across the 5 rounds. Use a weight that your first power clean number is at least 10. Go as hard as possible on the erg!!!
Travel WOD
Burpee/ Sit ups Ladder: Do 10 burpees ….Go to opposite side of room……do 2 Sit ups. Return to original side do 9 burpees……Go to opposite side of room……do 4 Sit ups. Decrease Burpees by 1 and increase Sit Ups by 2. Work your way down to one Burpee and up to 20 Sit up