Shoulder Mobility

Take 20 seconds to quickly think about your daily routine..

How many times in your day are you looking down at your phone?

Sitting down?

Staring at a computer?

I can tell you it’s HOURS.  Technology is amazing, but it is absolutely crushing our posture and overall health.

We are constantly in a closed hip position with our head forward and shoulders rounded.  Our body adapts to that position so suddenly we start to lose shoulder and spinal mobility.  As we lose mobility, we eventually lose range of motion and can experience aches and pains.  If it gets bad enough, aches and pains turn into major issues and ultimately limits our quality of life.

Just about every person that walks through our doors for the first time has some degree of hip and shoulder issues that have developed over decades of bad habits.

We are here to help.

Dr. Olivieri from OIivieri Chiropractic and I created 5 videos all about the shoulders.  Specifically, we cover what causes shoulder pain and what drills you can do to address that pain and improve your strength and mobility.

What Causes Shoulder Pain

Outside of a blunt trauma, shoulder pain typically derives from deficiencies in at least one of the following areas: shoulder mobility, shoulder strength, and/or spinal mobility.

How to Increase Shoulder Mobility

In our video below, we demonstrate 3 exercises you should do 3-5x/week that will greatly improve the ability for your shoulder to move through the proper range of motion.

How to Increase Shoulder Stability and Strength

Shoulder mobility is only half of the battle. If it can move well but can’t support itself, then that is a major problem. To properly stabilize the shoulder, we must strengthen both the muscles that support the scapula (1st video below) and the rotator cuff (2nd video below). Once again, complete these exercises 3-5x/week and you will greatly improve that strength.

How to Improve Spinal Mobility

If the shoulders are in a good spot, but your spine is rounded and lacking in mobility, it will negatively impact the range of motion in your shoulders.  Attack the spine with this exercise 3-5x/week to improve that position.



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