After 10 weeks we can FINALLY get back together again! Now it’s not quite back to “normal” so there are some protocols to follow so we can keep everyone safe.
NOTE: if weather looks like it’ll be an issue, we will send out an email the night before with our plan to potentially move some/all classes to zoom.
1) Before leaving home, grab a water bottle, a mask, a yoga mat if you have one, and bring a DB or KB if you borrowed one from us! (You can take it back with you after class :))
2) When you arrive, pop your mask on in the car and keep it on for the remainder of class.
3) If no one is already there, proceed to temperature check station at the 2 cones next to the red box. If someone is already there, just hang out near your car until they clear.
4) At the temperature station, a Coach wearing a mask and gloves will take your temperature with a touchless thermometer. As long as your temp is below 100.4 you can play that day! If not, we will ask you to heal up at home.
5) Proceed right to a square and that will be your workout area for the day. The Coach will bring equipment over if you need some. You will have your own clean towel and disinfectant to clean your equipment before use.
6) During the workout, row 1 will face the building and row 2 will face the fence. The rectangles in each row are 12′ away center on center and 18′ away from the rectangles in the other row center on center.
7) Once the workout is over, clean off all your equipment and spray your rectangle with your personal disinfectant and towel.
8) Smile and air five everyone on your way out!