Congratulations to all the adults and kids who participated in the Run4Scituate yesterday! What a great day for a race.
Warm Up
Coach’s Choice
Welcome to May the Month of Movement. This entire month is focused on perfecting our movement, which includes fixing our largest mobility issue. Starting today, you will pick your biggest mobility gap, measure it (example: measure the angle of your overhead position), and then talk with a Coach to figure out the best mobility exercises for you. You will then do these as part A of every single class in the month of May. We will then remeasure at the end and celebrate your progress!
A. Establish biggest mobility gap and measure. Perform 10 minutes of mobility.
B. “May the 4th be with You”
500m Row
20 Cleans (135/95)
20 Jerks (135/95)
20 Cleans (135/95)
500m Row
Travel WOD
3 Rounds For Time:
Run 800m
50 Air Squats