If you’ve ever been to a Southie event, or watched a local CrossFit competition, chances are you’ve seen Pat Padgett throwing down on workouts, cracking jokes, and bringing an unmatched energy to those around him. Pat was a huge part of the CrossFit Southie community – both on and off of the competition floor. He has competed at Regionals several times as an individual competitor, and helped the Southie team secure a 6th place finish in the 2014 Regionals. Pat has been battling mouth cancer, and sadly, Pat passed away this weekend. As a CrossFit community, we mourn his loss and honor his memory through today’s WOD.
* SCHEDULE CHANGE: Beginning Monday, 11/16, or 6PM class will now be held at 6:30PM.*
Warm Up
Coach’s Choice
“Pat’s WOD”
20 Minute AMRAP
6 Power Cleans (185/135)
12 Burpees
18 Toes to Bar
50′ Handstand Walk (scale: 3 Wall Climbs)
*Scale as necessary
Travel WOD
5 Rounds of:
20 Russian Twists
15 Hand Release Pushups
10 Jumping Lunges