Mike H. is this week’s featured member for Member Monday. Read all about this “model citizen and leader in the community.”
1. Who is Michael Hale?
Mike Hale, otherwise known as Big Mike, is a model citizen and leader in the community. Big Mike enjoys skittles, movies with Tyler Perry, curling, and practicing karate in his mancave. Note, “BIG” MIKE only refers to his towering 6’4″height, and greek god like body. It has nothing to do with his weight issue in 7-8th grade.
2. Tell us your CrossFit story (where were you before SciCoh and where are you now?)
I always wanted to try xfit, but didn’t want to drive 15 mins to Bare Cove. Then they opened SciCoh, literally 2 mins from my house. I ran out of excuses. Now, I love it and wish I started years ago.
3. What does being part of the SciCoh community mean to you?
Love the people. The comradery makes it easy to make friends….besides the Cordiero’s, they ruin my WODs…
4. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
Tough question, because I’m proud of physical accomplishments like rowing, rope climb, and butterfly pull-ups….but I’d have to say mental toughness. Some WODS are grueling, but u learn how to push yourself to another level.
5. What are your goals going forward?
Handstand pushups and attempting men’s RX on every WOD. Right now I’m crushing the women’s RX in most cases, but I am a man, sooo…
6. If you could describe CrossFit SciCoh in one word, what would it be?