Member Monday

A couple who Junkyard Dog together, stays together!  Siobhan and Anthony are this week’s Member Monday featured members.  Read all about this dynamic duo below!

1. Tell us a little about yourself?
Anthony: I am a 32 year old male, live in Scituate. Married to Siobhan. Taraus, Mechanical Engineer (aka Geek) working in the power group for an engineering consulting firm in town (i.e. Boston). No kids. I am originally from north eastern Pennsylvania (Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area).vI grew up playing football, track and baseball.  I enjoy the outdoors, hunting, fishing, DIY projects, food and wine.
Siobhan: My stats: 31yrs old, energy engineer for MIT, originally from Braintree now residing in Scituate (2.5 years here) with my husband Anthony, no kiddos. I enjoy cooking, gardening, and re-designing/renovating the interior and exterior of our house. We are big DIYers. I have always played sports growing up it was softball and soccer, in high school I played softball and volleyball, in college I just stuck to one – volleyball.
2. Tell us your CrossFit story (where were you before SciCoh and where are you now?)
Anthony: Before Crossfit SciCoh we belonged to Crossfit Hingham and before Crossfit I was in shape (the round kind). I was living the dream of going to work, sitting at a desk all day, eating and drinking whatever I wanted. Slowly the years went by and I found myself weighing 230 lbs in 2007. I remember thinking I needed to do something. We joined one of those globo type gyms where everyone has there headphones on, the machines are lined up in a row and everyone looks like robots.  I also started to “diet” which consisted of drinking less and eating somewhat healthier.  I manged to lose some weight and get down to 210 lbs when Siobhan and I got married in 2009.   In 2012 Siobhan mentioned crossfit and thought it would be a good way for us to get back in shape. When she first explained what Crossfit was my first reaction was that its gonna hurt. I was all too familiar with lifting weights from my days playing high school football.  I said to Siobhan we won’t stick with it and it costs a lot more than the globo type gym.  We first dropped in to CFH for a free intro class where they had us do something like 3 rounds for time of 10 push ups, 10 box jumps and 10 wall balls or air squats and then row 500m.  After that first WOD I couldn’t catch my breath, was coughing like crazy and thought I was going to die. I am pretty sure the Coaches were afraid they were going to have to call an ambulance. I ended up walking away from the WOD feeling like I got my butt kicked but in a good way. Siobhan and I both agreed we should do it and started our on ramp shortly after. After a couple months of working out 5 days a week I was down to 200lbs. That was when I heard about the Lurong Paleo Challenge. One of the Coaches at the box encourage us to sign up so Siobhan and I did.  The Lurong Challenge was 8 weeks of eating 100% paleo and doing specific WODs. I never heard of eating clean or Paleo before that. I ended up loosing around 25lbs since I finally was starting to eat healthy and I have been hooked on crossfit since.
Siobhan: Three years ago I was miserable, I was out of shape and my clothing was starting to get tight. It was 5 years since I played volleyball in college and with the exception of a few pick up games I had really done NOTHING. I tried gym memberships but I wouldn’t keep my interest and thought it was weird that people didn’t talk to each other. So I started looking into group classes and came across an article about crossfit. I thought it would be just what I needed – a good workout and a community “team” aspect that I had been missing. I brought it up to Anthony who told me I wouldn’t like all the lifting. After that comment, I emailed a few boxes the next day. We walked into Crossfit Hingham for an intro class and we were hooked. We finished On Ramp without any disasters, I just remember being sore. Our first group class we walked in and the board stated “Karen”.  That was fun… We were at Crossfit Hingham until recently when we each made job changes and then it was becoming problematic to make the 25minute drive up to the box.  Then we saw the advertisements about SciCoh opening, it was perfect timing as we were starting to really wonder what we could do.
3. What does being part of the SciCoh community mean to you?
 Anthony:  It’s great to see the comradery that develops from doing the WOD in class. It’s also great to see other peoples journey with Crossfit.
Siobha: I am really excited to be part of the SciCoh Community because it connects us to the larger town community, having no children and working in the city is not conducive to meeting people our age within the town. I know it might sound silly, but I like running into people I know around town and being able to say hello. 
4. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
 Anthony: Honestly I am most proud of the journey and for the most part being able to do almost all of the movements crossfit has to offer. I am most proud of being able to do double unders and getting a muscle up.
Siobhan: Right around the time I started at SciCoh I FINALLY got my first pull-up. They are slow but I am excited about it. I also love seeing gains in my lifts, I am looking forward to seeing the results of this lifting cycle. 
5. What are your challenges and goals going forward?
 Anthony: My challenges are staying motivated.  Its easy to get distracted and put off going to Crossfit but once I’m there that feeling is addictive.   My goals going forward are to be able to Clean 225lbs and be able to confidently rep muscle ups in a WOD. 
Siobhan: I have my goals set on a 200# back squat. 

6. If you could a super power, what would it be and why?

Anthony: I would love to have super human strength. I wouldn’t have to work so hard for the PR’s.

 Siobhan: I would love to have super speed like Flash. I think it stems from my LACK of speed when I run. Capability of moving fast and have super fast reflexes would also help with my lack of coordination!



scicoh intramural open: Noobies, keep reading so you can find out what the CrossFit Open is all about. Veterans, skip to the “What is the


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