Nutrition Challenge Members: Way to go all, we are through 4 weeks and on to our 5th and final week! Hopefully you are feeling great, have made some dietary changes and are fueled and ready to crush the Open. Next week we will be re-testing our “Baseline” WOD on Tuesday. If you and your partner weighed-in via InBody, please plan on having your second weigh-in done either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. There will be 2 prizes awarded next week. One for the lowest score for weeks 3-5 and one for the team who lost most body fat. Once you and your partner have weighed-in again, please send me the total body fat lost between the 2 of you (not just yours). My hope is to announce the grand prize winners at Friday Night Lights on 2/24. Keep up the great work guys, just one week left! Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.
AMRAP 10 minutes
30 double-unders
15 snatches (75/55)
AMRAP 10 minutes
60 single-unders
15 snatches (45/35)