SciCoh Squad,
Instead of posting the WOD today, I want to quickly issue a challenge to you.
When you first walked through our doors most of you were nervous, unsure if you were “fit enough” to do CrossFit, and were simply uncomfortable. You somehow put all that aside and made the leap. Fast forward to where you are now. You are doing things you didn’t know you could do. You are leaner, stronger, and moving better than you ever have in your life and it’s all because you were willing to be uncomfortable.
The internal competition is December 12th and you now have your next opportunity to reap rewards by stepping outside of your comfort zone. Yes, it’s a competition but it is simply a magnification of the environment you are in everyday. The community feel that day will be stronger than any class you’ve ever been too. With the nerves and adrenaline pumping, you will likely do things you have never done before. You’ll walk away with a sense of accomplishment. Yes, I know most of you are only a year in, but it doesn’t matter – you can do it! For perspective, we have a pregnant woman, a member who can barely step up to a 20″ box, and plenty of members who have never gotten a double under participating. We have plenty of members that are actually less experienced than you participating! When we first opened RCFBC we held a competition about a year in as well. They thought I was crazy, but I convinced them to trust me and be uncomfortable. 25 teams/50 people out of 100 members signed up for that competition. At the end of it, they couldn’t stop talking about how glad they were that they did it.
So here is my challenge to you. Put away the doubts, put away the excuses and logistical challenges, and get uncomfortable. Show pride in your box, show belief in yourself, put trust in your Coaches, and come have one of the best experiences you never expected.
Sign up here. We will find you a partner if needed 🙂
Travel WOD
7 minutesMAX Burpees