12 Min AMRAP
:20 4 Way Dead Bug
3 Inchworms As Far As Possible
8 Alt. Knee Hug to Lunge Twist
:20R/:20L Single Arm Lat. Shoulder Raise w. 5#
:20 L-Sit Hold
5 x 3 Pausing Squat Cleans for load
A. 3 second hold in setup on ground – focus on squeezing the midline and flattening the back
B. 3 second hold in low hang above the knee – focus on weight in the heels, shoulders out in front
C. Explode to finish the squat clean
D. 3 seconds in the hole – elbows high, tight midline, back in heels
E. Explode up to full extension
Hands must stay on bar for all 3 reps each set.
F. “Helen”
3 RFT:
400 Meter Run
21 KBS (53/35)
12 Pull-Ups