Warm Up
2:00 Monostructural Movement
Then 10 min AMRAP:
:30 second Samson Stretch R/L
5 Overhead Squat w/ PVC (QUALITY)
10 Sit-up
5 Good Mornings w/ PVC
5 Strict Pull-Up
5 Ring Dips
3 Supersets
A. 6 Deadlifts AHAP (~85% 1RM)
B. 10 Single Leg KB Deadlifts each side
C. 15 Banded KB swings
For Time:
100 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts (315/205)
20 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
30 Power Snatches (95/65)
40 Cal Row
* Move quickly, virtuously, and efficiently. Limit the duration of each movement to 3 min. or less then move on to the next.