10 Min. AMRAP
10 4-Way Dead Bugs
4 Inchworm to Spiderman Stretch
3R/3L Side Plank w/ Hip Dip and Hold for 5 Sec.
10 KB Swings (light)
10 Walking Calf Raises
A. 3×5 Back Squat across
B. 3×10 Glue Bridges with 3 second hold at top
B. For Time:
800 Meter Run
100 Double Unders*
21 Deadlifts (205/145)
400 Meter Run
100 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts (205/145)
800 Meter Run
100 Double Unders
9 deadlifts (205/145)
* Scale DU to 90 seconds of double under attempts.