2:00 Monostructural Movement
Then 10 min AMRAP:
:30 second Samson Stretch R/L
10 Overhead Squat w/ PVC (QUALITY)
15 Sit-up
10 Good Mornings w/ PVC
10 Superman w/ Hold
3 Supersets
A. 12 DB/KB Bulgarian Split Squats – hold heaviest set of DB/KB by side while completing 12 reps each side.
B. 5 Weighted Stict Pull Ups AHAP + max strict pull ups no weight
C. 50 Russian Twists (45/35)
D. “Tosh Sprints” Rowing
200 Meter Row
(Rest Equal Time)
400 Meter Row
(Rest Equal Time)
600 Meter Row
(Rest Equal Time)
* 1/2 the class works on strength while the other completes Tosh Sprints. Then, switch.