200 Meter Run/Row
:45 Goblet Squat Hold
8 Goblet Deadlifts
4R/4L Knee Hug to Heel Touch
:45 Goblet Squat Hold
8 Goblet Squats to Overhead Press
8 KBS w/ Goblet
:45 Goblet Squat Hold
8 Alternating Front Lunges w/Goblet
8 Goblet Squats
For the next several weeks we will be drilling the use of our posterior chain (think hamstrings and glutes) and focusing on our hang positioning. As a group we are very quad dominant, so time to fix that!
Superset A&B. Simply warm up the hip thrusts during the first 2 rounds of supersets.
A. 5×3 Overhead Squats – work up in weight each round to heaviest 3 you can hit.
B. 3×12 Weighted Barbell Hip Thrusts (https://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/leg-exercises/videos/barbell-hip-thrust-bench)
C. 4 RFT:
6 CB2B Pull Ups
5 Deadlifts (165/110)
4 Hang Power Cleans
3 Jerks