4 Rounds
:60 4 Way Dead Bugs
8 Inch Worm Walk Outs – as far as possible
10y Knee Hug To Lateral Felxion/Extension
:30 R / :30 L Lateral 5# Side Shoulder Raise
Mobility: Lat Smash
4 Supersets
A. 10 Seated DB Tempo Press – 30×1 – down 3 sec, no pause, explode up, rest at top for 1 – use both arms at same time AHAP
B. 10 Bentover DB Row – 30×5 – down 3 sec, no pause, explode on the pull, hold DBs for 5 seconds near chest
2 RFT:
30 Push Ups
25 Pull Ups
20 Push Press (65/45)
15 Burpees
10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
* 14 Min Time Cap