3 Rounds:
:25 Ipsilateral Dead Bugs
4R/4L 5 Sec Side Pillar Hold Hip Drop And Reach
20 Hip Bridge
2R / 2L Captain Morgans
5 SLOW Hip Internal Rotations w/ Kettlebell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmZ97saN4PE * minute :53-1:15)
5 Banded Air Squats (use thera bands)
Week 4/8 Linear Progression
A. Back Squats 3×5 (+5lbs, same weight across)
B. 3 Sets Max Pull Ups
– If you have 1 strict pull up but less than 7, then do max strict and have partner assist to get 7 ea. round
– If no strict pull ups then find a band that allows for 7 in set 1
Dumbbell Front Squats
After Each Round: 30 Double Unders
Performance – 50s/35s
Functional – 35s/25s