3 Rounds
:25 Plank Hold
:25 Alternating Reaching Plank Holds
:25 R / :25 L Cpt Morgan With Vertical Support
10y Leg Cradle Lunge With Lateral Flexion And Extension
3 Seesaw Walk To Vertical Jump – R/L + 1 Jump = 1 Rep
Week 3/8 Linear Progression
15 min Clock to Complete:
A. Establish a heavy 5 Deadlift (Add 10lbs to last week)
B. 3 Sets Max Strict Pull Ups (at least 2 min rest between sets)
– If you have 1 strict pull up but less than 7, then do max strict and have partner assist to get 7 ea. round
– If no strict pull ups then find a band that allows for 7 in set 1
All Levels
On the 3:00 x 5 Rounds:
21 Plate Hops
12 Shuttle Sprints
6 Deadlifts
*Deadlifts are your athlete’s choice but should be super heavy but done with FLAWLESS form. Bias form over weight here.