Coaches Choice
Week 3/8 Linear Progression
20 min. to Complete Superset:
A. 3×5 Strict Press (2.5lbs heavier TOTAL than week 1. Same weight across.)
B. 3 Sets Max Pull Ups
– If you have 1 strict pull up but less than 7, then do max strict and have partner assist to get 7 ea. round
– If no strict pull ups then find a band that allows for 7 in set 1
For Time:
1,000 Meter Row
Directly into…
3 Rounds
21 Deadlifts (135/95)
15 Lateral Barbell Burpees
9 Push Jerks (135/95)
For Time:
1,000 Meter Row
Directly into…
3 Rounds
21 Deadlifts (95/65)
15 Lateral Barbell Burpees
9 Push Jerks (95/65)