500 Meter Row
Then 2 Rounds:
12 Good Mornings (empty barbell)
12 Russian Baby Makers
12 Glute Bridges
12 Inch Worm to Spiderman Elbow Drops
12 Cossack Squats
Not A Super Set
A. 4 Rounds EMO2M: 5 Back Squats
* Weight should be 75% of 1RM for all 4 sets.
B. 4 Rounds EMO2M: Row For Cals (24/18)
* Focus on LEG DRIVE to initiate power and SQUEEZE of your LATS at the very end of the drive.
5 Rounds For Time
5 Squat Cleans (175/115)
10 Push Ups
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)