200 Meter Run
:45 Goblet Squat Hold
8 Goblet Squats to Overhead Press
8 Banded Good Mornings
:45 Goblet Squat Hold
8 Hollow Rocks
8 Contralateral Dead Bugs
:45 Goblet Squat Hold
8 KB Strict Press (4R/4L)
8 Alt. KB Lunges
200 Meter Run
5 Strict Pull-Ups*
* Scale up to 5 false grip ring pull-ups or 3 ring muscle-ups
* If you have strict pull-ups, do 5 unbroken kipping or butterfly pull-ups
15 Min AMRAP
10 Power Snatch (75/55)
30 Double Unders
10 Power Cleans (75/55)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)